Tuesday, 12 June 2007

Disa Update

I decided to take radical action with my Disa Saffron - having used anti-fugal spray the rotting didn't seem to be stabilising so I have split the plant. I also took the risk of treating the pieces with a dilute solution of bleach, just to see what happens. Well the leaves didn't take too kindly and within hours the tips turned brown, I've trimmed them back and so far the transplanted pieces are surviving. I feel this was probably the worst thing I could have done to the plant but if it was going to die anyway I thought this might be worth a try. The more experienced Disa growers viewing may wish to comment and maybe suggest some alternative strategies.
The Disa seeds I purchased and have tried sowing on a 50/50 peat and perlite mix don't not seem to be doing too well either. Under a magnifying glass it looks as though a bluish mould is growing around the seeds. I will try some other media with the seeds I hope are in the swelling pods of the pollinated Disas I am nurturing. May try sand next. Perhaps the seeds were not stored correctly or maybe I should have sterilised the peat. Any help would be appreciated from other Disa growers who have successfully germinated seeds without going the in-vitro route.

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